Five work packages within SERA are dedicated towards networking activities. The aim is to pool know-how and create frameworks for facilitating exchange among professionals and researchers from different fields.
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Seismo@school programmes using observational seismology as an educational tool in schools and non-formal educational settings like museums or citizen-seismology projects are effective methods to bring people in touch with complex scientific concepts and to increase their understanding of earthquake hazards and risk. The aim of this work package is to connect SERA partners that are already leading seismo@school initiatives, supporting them in sharing best practices. SERA partners will organize workshops to involve teachers and other science outreach professionals in this work package. |
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Task 3.1 Workshops in educational seismology Task 3.2 Resource collation and publication Task 3.3 Coordination and interaction with the wider community Task 3.4 Science with seismo@school Task 3.5 Integration of citizen seismology and educational seismology |
Deliverables |
D3.1 Survey of educational seismology activities in Europe and globally [M18] D3.2 Integrated results of educational seismology workshops [M36] D3.3 Compilation of resources for seismo@school [M18] D3.4 Science with seismo@school: results and targets [M36] D3.5 Integration between educational and citizen seismology initiatives: achievements and strategies [M36] |
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This work package will increase access to seismological infrastructures to monitor, assess and prevent earthquake hazards. To that aim it supports regional and national seismic networks by contributing data to the European Integrated Data Archive (EIDA). Further, it connencts key scientists and the main operators of seismological networks to design the future generation of monitoring tools for Europe. |
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Task 4.1 Expanding open access to seismic data Task 4.2 Expanding open access to non-seismic data Task 4.3 EIDA Infrastructure Knowledge System Task 4.4 Future networks design |
Deliverables |
D4.1 Outcome of regional technical EIDA meetings [M30] D4.2 Report on metadata challenges and proposed solutions [M12] D4.3 Best practices guidelines [M24] D4.4 EIDA metadata model standards [M36] D4.5 EIDA documentation system [M36] D4.6 Key scientific questions for future network design [M24] D4.7 Strategies for future network design [M36] |
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Deep seismic sounding profiles record signals which have traversed the deeper Earth, typically the lower crust and upper mantle. To achieve the required depth of penetration, long profiles and large controlled sources (explosions) are required which make such experiments expensive and time-consuming. Therefore, new and older data is of great scientific importance, especially as modern analysis tools allow increasingly refined interpretations. This work package will therefore create a database including all DSS data collected within the EU since the late 70’s. |
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Task 5.1 Mapping of data availability and establishing the core community Task 5.2 Engaging the broader scientific community Task 5.3 Defining concrete common goals and functionalities towards a pre-operational service Task 5.4 Pre-operational service activities |
Deliverables |
D5.1 Inventory of available DSS databases, including raw and processed data, formats, metadata, products of various level obtained from the raw data, reports and technical documentation of past experiments, availability, access mechanisms [M9] D5.2 Position document of the DSS community on future data accessibility of DSS data [M12] D5.3 Scientific roadmap for the active and passive seismological community [M24] D5.4 Feasibility assessment for the establishment of a DSS access service as part of the EPOS framework, covering technical, integration, organization, governance and financial aspects [M24] D5.5 Validation of pre-operational access phase to selected DSS datasets and products [M36] |
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Web-based tools are an emerging trend to manage and share results with the scientific community, decision-makers and the general public. Yet, collaborations in earthquake engineering lack a common interoperability framework with SERIES representing the most significant effort in Europe towards the interoperability of experimental data. Moreover, there exists a necessity to increase the interaction within adjacent scientific disciplines, such as seismology, which may be more advanced in the global sharing of their data and results (e.g. EPOS), but have so far not interfaced their data structure with earthquake engineering. Therefore, this work package aims to design a roadmap for integration of earthquake engineering and seismological data and to maintain and expand the SERIES database. |
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Task 6.1 Maintenance and expansion of the SERIES database Task 6.2 Roadmap for integration of earthquake engineering and seismological data Task 6.3 Pre-operational service activities |
Deliverables |
D6.1 Maintenance of the SERIES database [M36] D6.2 Expansion of the SERIES database [M18] D6.3 Updated version of SERIES database [M18] D6.4 Review of current SERIES and EPOS databases [M12] D6.5 Roadmap for the integration of data banks and access services from the earthquake engineering (SERIES) and seismology (EPOS) research infrastructures [M24] D6.6 Validation of pre-operational access phase to selected SERIES datasets [M36] |
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The site characterization of rock and soil properties is a need shared by various applications in seismology and geotechnical engineering, ranging from the site characterization of seismic stations, over the calibration of strong-motion records for the assessment of attenuation relationships, to the assessment of local site amplifications for realistic shaking estimates, and for site-specific hazard assessment for critical infrastructures, and the soil classification for building code applications. Still, there is no common way to exchange data and calibrations across the different disciplines. Therefore, this work package aims at proposing a reliable and efficient European framework for site characterization. |
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Task 7.1 Networking the European site characterization community Task 7.2 Best practice and site characterization quality assessment Task 7.3 Road map for strong motion site characterization in Europe Task 7.4 Towards improvement of site characterization indicators Task 7.5 Pre-operational service activities |
Deliverables |
D7.1 Standard for site condition metadata [M18] D7.2 Best practice and quality assessment guideline for site characterization at rock and soft sites [M24] D7.3 European strong ground motion characterization road map [M24] D7.4 Improved site characterization indicators [M30] D7.5 Validation of pre-operational access phase to selected site and station characterization datasets [M36] |